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The Chakras 

Poza scriitorului: Andreea MironAndreea Miron

An article by Andreea Miron, yoga instructor and founder of KeepGiving Yoga.

In this article I want to help everybody understand some basic things about the chakras. As I have been working with the chakras for more than 6 years now, I am starting to understand more and more on how to bring the chakras into our life and how this can help us to understand and enjoy every minute of it.

I recorded a video where I explain a little bit about The Chakras. Here is the link:

In yoga, chakras are viewed as energy centers within the body, each corresponding to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual states. The practice aims to balance these chakras to promote overall well-being.

  1. First Chakra: Root Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Muladhara.

The first chakra, known as the Root Chakra or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. It symbolizes safety, security, and basic human needs. Associated

with the color red and the earth element, it governs physical aspects like stability and bodily needs. This chakra affects feelings of groundedness and belonging. When balanced, it promotes confidence and a sense of security; imbalance can lead to insecurity or materialism. Balancing it involves physical activities, grounding meditations, and mindfulness. A balanced Root Chakra is crucial for overall well-being and forms the foundation for activating higher chakras.

Developmental Stage: Womb – 12 months

Traumas + Abuses:

Birth traumas, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding w/ mother, attachment disorder (secure, anxious, avoidant or ambivalent attachment), malnourishment, feeding difficulties, major illness or surgery, physical abuse/violent environment, enema abuse, inherited traumas – parents’ survival fears (Holocaust survivors, war veterans, poverty), any threat to survival at any time in life.

Healing Strategy:

Reconnect with the body, physical activity, lots of touch, massage, bio-energetic grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim right to be here.

  1. Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Svadhisthana.

The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, located below the navel, is the center of creativity, emotion, and sexuality. Represented by the color orange and the water element, it influences the reproductive system, pleasure, and emotional expression. A balanced Sacral Chakra fosters joy, passion, and creativity, while an imbalance can lead to emotional instability or addiction. Techniques for balancing include engaging in creative activities, hip-opening yoga, and water-based activities. Properly aligning the Sacral Chakra is key for emotional stability, healthy relationships, and enjoying life's pleasures.

Developmental Stage: 6 – 24 months

Traumas + Abuses:

Sexual abuse (covert or overt), emotional abuse, volatile situations, neglect, coldness, denial of child’s feeling states, lack of mirroring, enmeshment, emotional manipulation, overuse of playpen or restricting normal movement, religious or moral severity (anti-pleasure), physical

abuse, alcoholic families, inherited issues – parents who have not worked out issues around sexuality, untreated incest cases

Healing Strategy:

Movement therapy, assign healthy pleasures.

  1. Third Chakra: Navel Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Manipura.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, located in the stomach area, is linked to personal power, self-esteem, and assertiveness. It's represented by the color yellow and the fire element, signifying energy and self-identity. This chakra controls the digestive system and affects physical energy and vitality. Emotionally, it's associated with confidence and self-discipline. A balanced Manipura fosters strong self-esteem and purpose, while imbalance can lead to aggressiveness or low self-worth. Balancing methods include assertiveness exercises, core workouts, and meditations focused on personal power. A well-aligned Solar Plexus Chakra is crucial for feeling empowered and in control of one's life.

Developmental Stage: 18 – 42 months.

Traumas + Abuses:

Shaming, authoritarianism, volatile situations, domination of will, physical abuse, dangerous environment, fear of punishment, enmeshment, emotional manipulation, age inappropriate responsibilities (parentified child), inherited shame from parents.

Healing Strategy:

Risk taking, grounding and emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise (running/aerobics), marital arts, sit-ups.

  1. Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Anahata.

The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, located around the heart, symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional balance. It's associated with the color green and the air element, indicating openness and life's breath. This chakra influences the heart, lungs, and circulatory system, impacting emotional and respiratory health. A balanced Heart Chakra fosters empathy, deep relationships, and inner peace, while imbalance can lead to feelings of isolation or jealousy. Practices for balance include kindness, deep breathing exercises, and connecting with nature. A harmonious Heart Chakra is key for experiencing genuine love and emotional fulfillment.

Developmental Stage: 3.5 – 7 years

Traumas + Abuses:

Rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to any other chakras, unacknowledged grief (including parents’ grief), divorce, death of loved one, loveless, cold environment, conditional love, sexual/physical abuse, betrayal

Healing Strategy:

Breathing exercises, work with arms and reaching out/taking in, journaling, self-discovery.

  1. Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Vishuddha.

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, located in the throat area, is centered on communication, self-expression, and truth. It's associated with the color blue and the ether element, representing clear and calm communication. This chakra controls the throat, thyroid, and vocal cords, affecting speech and metabolism. A balanced Vishuddha facilitates open and honest expression, while an imbalance can cause communication difficulties and fear of speaking. Techniques for balancing include singing, chanting, and mindful communication. Proper alignment of the Throat Chakra is crucial for effective communication, creativity, and expressing one's truth.

Developmental Stage: 7 – 12 years

Traumas + Abuses:

Lies, mixed messages, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), secrets, authoritarian parents, alcoholic, chemical dependent family (don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel).


Healing Strategy:

Loosen neck and shoulders, release voice, singing, chanting, toning, story telling, journal writing, automatic writing, practicing silence, non-goal oriented creativity.

  1. Sixth Chakra: Third Eye Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Ajna.

The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, located between the eyebrows, is linked to intuition, insight, and mental clarity. It is associated with the color indigo and the element of light, symbolizing inner vision and thought clarity. This chakra controls the pineal gland, eyes, and brain, influencing vision and intuition. A balanced Ajna facilitates strong intuition and clear thinking, while imbalance can cause confusion or detachment from reality. Techniques for balance include meditation, visualization, and focusing on dreams. Proper alignment of the Third Eye Chakra is essential for deepening inner wisdom and understanding life's deeper truths.

Developmental Stage: Puberty

Traumas + Abuses:

What you see doesn’t go with what you’re told, invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences, ugly or frightening environment (war zone, violence).


Healing Strategy:

Create visual art, visual stimulation, meditation.

  1. Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra, the name in Sanskrit is Sahasrara.

The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, located at the top of the head, symbolizes spiritual connection and enlightenment. Associated with the color violet or white and the element of cosmic energy, it represents universal consciousness. Unlike other chakras, it's more spiritually than physically oriented, influencing the upper brain and nervous system. A balanced Crown Chakra fosters a sense of peace, spiritual awareness, and connection to a higher power, while imbalance can lead to spiritual disconnection. Balancing involves meditation, prayer, and practices that promote spiritual growth and unity. The Crown Chakra is vital for achieving the highest level of spiritual connection and transcending the ego.

Developmental Stage: Throughout Life

Traumas + Abuses:

Withheld information (adoption), education which thwarts curiosity, forced religiosity, invalidation of one’s beliefs, blind obedience (no right to question or think for oneself), misinformation, lies, spiritual abuse.

Healing Strategy:

Reestablish physical/emotional connection, reestablish spiritual connection, program of learning and study, spiritual discipline, meditation.

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